Waiver Programs

Children’s Long Term Support Waiver Program description and how to apply:

The Children’s Long Term Support (CLTS) Waiver Program is a Home and Community-Based Services waiver that provides Medicaid funding for children who have substantial limitations in their daily activities and need support to remain in their home or community. Eligible children include those with developmental disabilities, severe emotional disabilities, and physical disabilities. These services are delivered at the county level, while the Department of Health Services (DHS) provides the administration of the waiver program.  


Children's Long Term Support (CLTS) Waiver Program Brochure

How to Apply for Children's Long Term Support Waiver Program:
You can apply by opening the brochure for contact information. You can also contact our Access and Eligibility Worker at 920-674-8713 or email the CLTS Children's Referral inbox at CLTSChildReferral@jeffersoncountywi.gov 

Katie Beckett Program description and how to apply: 

The Katie Beckett Program is a special eligibility process that allows certain children with long-term disabilities, mental illness, or complex medical needs living at home with their families, to obtain a ForwardHealth card. This card can be used to pay for medically necessary services and equipment allowed under the Wisconsin Medicaid program.

How to apply:  Contact the Katie Beckett consultant (DHSKatieBeckett@dhs.wisconsin.gov) located in the region where the child lives.

 Children’s Community Options Program (CCOP) description and how to apply:   

The purpose of CCOP is to provide a coordinated approach to supporting families who have a child with a disability. This approach recognizes and maximizes the family’s capacity, resiliency, and unique abilities. The intention is to better support, nurture, and facilitate self-determination, interdependence, and inclusion in all facets of community life for the child and family.  

How to apply:   You can contact our Access and Eligibility Worker at 920-674-8713 or email the CLTS Children's Referral inbox at CLTSChildReferral@jeffersoncountywi.gov