Options Counseling

Long Term Care Options Counseling

Long Term Care Options Counseling is a service provided by the ADRC to people who want information in order to make informed choices about long-term care options.  When meeting with individuals and their families, an Aging & Disability Specialist will review the individual's personal history, preferred lifestyle and goals for the future; and they will engage in a conversation about the full range of long-term care options available to the individual.  This includes information about available services to help people stay at home longer and all of those leading up to and including nursing home placement.  In addition, the Aging & Disability Specialist will provide people with information about opportunities to maximize independence and self-reliance.  This conversation includes ways people can use their private resources or access public funding to meet their needs.  

The ADRC will help you consider cost, quality, and compatibility with the individual's preferred lifestyle, available resources and the outcomes that are of most importance to the individual being served in order to help you make possibly one of the biggest decisions of your life.